New team on the block: Alpha joins 2016 AABT season

A new team will join the APCRAA Alumni Basketball Tournament (AABT) 2016 season when it raises its curtains on August 6. Team Alpha, headed by Allan Dave Perez submitted their official lineup to the Tournament Committee on July 20.

Team Alpha is composed of players from Team Legacy, who joined last year’s Alumni Tournament 2nd Conference. Legacy players Jeff Montojo, Jam Lardizabal, Peter Jan Bautista and Jeff Dosado joined the new team that will adopt grey as their team color.

What may be Team Alpha’s biggest acquisition is 2015 2nd Conference MVP Jose “Pepe” Canseco, who played for Team Warriors for the past two alumni tournaments. Canseco, who averaged 9.3 points and 16.7 rebounds during his MVP tournament will be a big help for the new team, which under the Legacy banner last year finished 6th in the seven-team tournament.

Three returning teams (ASPAC Boys, OGs and Bumblebees) have submitted their respective rosters but are still finalizing minor details regarding their teams. Two time AABT champion Team Warriors are also expected to pass their roster and a new team composed of APC security guards and employees have signified their intention to join this season.