APCRAA Alumni Basketball Tournament 2016 Season opens August 6

The Asia Pacific College Rams Alumni Association (APCRAA) will have its 3rd annual basketball tournament starting August 6, 2016. Similar to the previous competitions, two divisions will be organized, one each for men and women.

The tournament is open to all Asia Pacific College (APC) alumni who graduated up to the third trimester of school year 2015-16. APC students and undergraduates can participate in the tournament, provided that each team can only include up to 3 players for the men’s division and 5 players for the women’s division.

Interested alumni can form their own team with a minimum of 10 and up to 15 players for both divisions. Up to 6 teams will be accommodated in the men’s division, while 4 teams will compose the women’s division. Guest teams or non-APC alumni teams can join the women’s division.

For individuals who are not yet affiliated with any registered teams, they can participate with the league’s draft pool by submitting their name, course, year of graduation (year of admission if undergraduate/student), height and playing position via private message at APCRAA’s Facebook page on or before July 22. A dispersal draft will be held the following day with the registered teams selecting from the pool.

Deadline of submission of lineups will be on July 28. A tournament briefing between the basketball tournament committee and team representatives will be held on July 30 at APC.

The opening ceremonies for the tournament will be on August 6 at 5pm.

Registration forms are available at our downloads section, while the tournament rules are available in this link.

For inquiries, you may contact us through the comments section below or through the APCRAA Facebook page.