Board of Trustees

Executive Board (2022-2025)

Dann Wenzley D. Garcia


BSCOE, 2006

Chrisia Mae I. Rosco

Vice President for Alumni Development

ABPsy, 2018

Normalyn C. Bachar

Vice President for Membership

BSTM 2015, MM 2023

Carl Joseph F. Bartolome

Vice President for Ways and Means


Kristine Diane Marcelo

Vice President for Corporate Communications

ABMA, 2018

Michael Joseph C. Bueza

Corporate Secretary


Joyce Ann Jean M. Adriano


BSCpE, 2018

Board Representatives

Eulalie R. Alba

Board Representative - School of Management

BSTM, 2018

Jazmine Claire C. Calma

Board Representative - School of Engineering

BSCpE 2018

Ma. Eryel Gianca Cells-Miranda

Board Representative - School of Computing and Information Technologies

BSIT-MI 2019

Clarisse Anne Ley

Board Representative - School of Management

BSTM, 2018

Bea Magabo

Board Representative - School of Management

BSA 2021

Samantha Karin Munar

Board Representative - School of Computing and Information Technologies

BSCS-SS 2019

Jan Alvin Orpilla

Board Representative - School of Multimedia and Arts

ABMA, 2019

Daryl Silao

Board Representative - School of Computing and Information Technologies

BSCSIT, 2013

Carmena D. Tabalan

Board Representative - School of Management

BSBA-MA, 2020

Jiezl-Ann T. Turo

Board Representative - Senior High School / School of Management

SHS-ABM 2016, BSBA-FM 2022

Hilario R. Visaya, Jr.

Board Representative - School of Multimedia and Arts

ABMA, 2017

Angelo Gabriel Vizconde

Board Representative - School of Management

BSTM, 2021